UPDATE: Dragon Medical Practice Edition has reached End-Of-Life and most Doctors have upgraded to Dragon Medical One. Don't be caught with redundant software and upgrade today. CALL 1300 255 900 TODAY TO UPGRADE.
The Australian Dragon Medical Practice Edition voice recognition software provides medical professionals with a great dictation experience at an affordable price. In 2014, speech recognition guarantees higher quality, profitable and more efficient care as well as better personal satisfaction.
Dragon Medical Practice Edition is no longer for sale and has been replaced by the new Dragon Medical One cloud dictation system. Fill out the above form for pricing and information today.

Doctors in Australia now regularly dictate real-time into their medical management software (Medical Director, Genie, Best Practice, Total Care and so on) directly using Dragon Medical Practice Edition . This allows them to sign, review and avail their doctors’ notes to other clinicians almost instantly.Dragon Medical assists thousands of physicians maximise their practice efficiency,provide the best quality of care and increase profitability.
Dragon Medical Practice Edition can now be installed on Microsoft Windows Server 2000 to Windows 8.1 (32 bit and 64 bit).
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 now comes with medical practice software support. You can now dictate directly into your software, information such as: history of present illness, assessment and plan plus a review of systems.
This voice recognition software covers almost eighty sub-specialties and specialties. Be assured that your specialty medical vocabulary is covered. The medical software also includes drug names and this greatly improves the experience. It comes with a regional accent support that supports Australian accents. Accented speakers get very accent specific acoustic and out of the box recognition models with quite advanced adaptation techniques.The software strictly follows all the Medical Formatting Rules. Abbreviations are expanded and capitalization laws for example HPI appears as History of Present Illness. There is a hidden mode that eliminates navigation between different EHR screens and notes windows thus you can actually dictate anywhere. Other important features bundled in the software include support for HIPAA Regulations as well as improved protection of patient confidentiality.
Why choose Australian Dragon Medical Practice Edition?
Unparalleled accuracy: It is the most highly accurate real-time clinical speech recognition software solution available today. Even rarely used medical terms are instantly recognized and saved the first time physicians say them. It comes with accent support for many regional areas. Australian Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 allows practicing physicians to dictate anywhere in their medical management system. For example while reviewing patient history, current medications or lab results. Noise cancelling digital noise cancelling microphone options reduce outside noise to make your speech crystal clear.
Increased time with your patients. Increased accuracy means fewer errors are made and therefore less time is needed in making corrections thus improving both the quality of care plus patient satisfaction.
Complete patient story. The free-text dictation feature supports a more elaborate history of past and present illnesses, more descriptive assessment of the patient and current medications. This is what is referred to as medical decision-making views of the note.
Quick access to medical evidence. Physicians can make searches of previously prevented medical data via a single voice command on PubMed, WebMD, ICD-9 and UpToDate. Lower documentation cost. Eliminate thousands of dollars of annual transcription cost per physician by speech-enabling your medical practice. Higher volume. A faster but more accurate response lessens the time spent on documentation, allowing Doctors to see more patients and increase revenue.

This is the voice recognition software that every practicing physician in Australia seeks to increase their efficiency and it works great with the new Olympus DS-7000 professional voice recorder.
It doesn’t matter if your medical practice is in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth or Darwin. Voice recognition Australia supports all of its doctors nationally through its website and through the use of remote training software. We can train and set up any doctor in Australia at an affordable rate.
Call us today to inquire about a full package, which includes help-desk support, remote training, digital noise cancelling microphones and Dragon Medical Practice 2 edition software.
Order Australian Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 today from Australia’s number one voice recognition software store voicerecognition.com.au or CALL 1300 255 900 to receive overnight.