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Russell bewsell

PDF software options for business

It’s a bit of a minefield when choosing the right PDF software package for businesses in Australia. Recently, one of the largest PDF software companies in the world has switched to a subscription model which has upset a lot of customers. It’s pretty powerful but very expensive software, and in most cases it’s overkill to use these expensive subscription based PDF solutions.

All business people really need for their PDF software solution is:

  • a one-off purchase without any subscription component. There’s a lot to be said for fixed cost software.

  • Good value for money – software at a reasonable price for multiple employees and multipel offices

  • An easy-to-use interface so employees can simply convert from PDF to Word / Excel and back

  • Create quality PDF documents from multiple scanned images quickly and easily

  • Create searchable PDF documents so that they can quickly and easily copy and paste from these documents

  • Edit PDF documents quickly and easily without converting to Word and back

  • And more advanced features for those business people who need them – such as redacting

In the past there has been very few PDF Software options that fulfil the above requirements. You could get all of those features, but it came at a very high cost.

Fortunately, Nuance Communications the company behind Dragon NaturallySpeaking voice recognition software have created a cost-effective and feature packed PDF software package that is a one-off purchase and has no ongoing costs.

It’s called Power PDF Advanced.

I’ve made a video demo to show you how quickly you can create is fully searchable, compressed PDF document from large scanned images. I’m simulating an example of where a lengthy contract, property report or any kind of multi-page document that has been scanned needs to emailed as a compressed searchable file. I’m able to complete this task within about 10 seconds using PowerPDF advanced. Can you imagine how long this will take you using your existing expensive PDF software? Assuming of course that you can actually work it out in a reasonable time-frame. Let’s see how Power PDF Advanced performs:

So there you go. I created a small PDF file that is fully searchable, in the correct order and that has been realigned in about 10 seconds or so. I didn’t even need to open PowerPDF advanced. I simply use the right click features that become available once you install the software.

As a free trial available for your company or business.

Contact us today so we can set up your free trial. You can see for yourself how cost-effective PowerPDF advanced is compared to its competitors.

Call 1 300 255 900 or use our online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.

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