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Olympus DS-9000 and Dragon Professional Individual 15

Russell bewsell

The Olympus DS-9000 digital voice recorder is the most advanced professional dictation device available in Australia the Olympus DS9000 works brilliantly with Dragon Professional Individual 15 and the new Dragon medical practice edition. By setting the DS 9000 dictation mode and the dictating all your file notes and patient records you can then Doctor unit with the included docking station. Then you can configure the Olympus digital management system to transfer the files automatically to your support person. With Dragon installed on your support persons computer you can then run the DS 7000 voice recordings through the Dragon professional 15 or the Dragon Medical practice edition program. This will automatically transcribe their dictation for the trained speaker. You can even set it automatically include punctuation such as comma and full stop.

Of course it is better to dictate directly into your normal programs when using Dragon at your desk live – using a handheld microphone or headset microphone. But when you’re out in the field or at the hospital doing rounds the DS7000 makes a great companion for automated voice recognition software like Dragon 15. Voice Recognition Australia can show you how to integrate the Olympus DS7000 into your voice recognition workflow. This will save you tens of thousands of dollars per year in transcription costs.

So call Voice Recognition Australia on 1300 255 900 so we can get your voice recognition software up and running with your DS9000 today.

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