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Buy Dragon Medical - SALE ON! $300 OFF

Medical Dictation

A complete Dragon Medical One cloud system is now being offered on sale as part of a special offer

As the largest distributor in the Asia-Pacific region, Voice Recognition Australia has negotiated a special deal with Nuance Communications (Dragon Medical) and has passed on this $300 saving for new clients purchasing a complete package between now and the end of June.

To take advantage of this fantastic offer please fill out our contact form today and will get back to you immediately with pricing and your delivery and installation date. You can also call 1300 255 900.

Don't hesitate as only 100 licences have been allocated at this special rate for the Australian region.

dragon voice recognition

The Dragon Medical system has transformed dictation for thousands of doctors in Australia over the last few years. With the release of the latest Dragon Medical 4 .1 edition an increase accuracy and updated medical specialist vocabulary has delivered even greater performance to medical professionals.

With the ability to dictate directly into their medical records software such as Genie, best practice, medical director, Shexie, VIP, Gentu and Helix-plus any other medical records within Windows doctors are saving hours each day by dictating their records directly instead of handwriting, two finger typing or handing off to expensive external transcription services.

Call 1300 255 900 to save $300!

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